What is a keto meal? – supps247

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What is a keto meal?

By gagan bajwa  •   1 minute read

What is a keto meal?

A keto meal is one that contains under 50 g of total carbs or contributes about 30 g of net carbs per day. Net carbs are total carbs minus the fiber.

Fiber is present in plants and is important to include in a keto diet because fiber protects gut bacteria, improves digestive function, and helps prevent constipation.

In the keto diet, the majority of daily calories come from fats, while lesser amounts come from proteins. Meat, fish, eggs, and dairy feature heavily in the keto diet.

When the body cannot rely on carbohydrates for energy, it must burn fat for fuel. This results in a buildup of acids called ketones in the body. This results in a bodily state of ketosis.

You can also use lean Protein with no carbs in it to make it easy for you. By Doing this you can add more protein without adding more calories.

Sample meal plan for

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