Dilip Sharon Sebastian Selvam – supps247

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Dilip Sharon Sebastian Selvam

By gagan bajwa  •   3 minute read

Dilip Sharon Sebastian Selvam

Name– Dilip Sharon Sebastian Selvam
Date of Birth– 7th March 1981
Profession– Personal Trainer and online fitness coach
Work place – Works at Snap Fitness South Yarr

Training Plan-
I train 4-5 days a week. My training style varies depending on my kettlebell competitions.

At the moment I’m working on my strength and power.

I love to combine functional training with my daily workouts and always a cardio session over the weekends. I burn approx 500-750 calories in a single workout easily.

Diet Plan-
I pretty much eat healthy, I love carbs and my metabolism is really high as I workout really hard. I’m trying to put on some weight, and my macros looks like 50%carbs 30%protein 30% fat.Future Plans-
Promoting my online business.
also love to work with a Rugby Union Team as a trainer, as I was a rugby player myself.

Im a sportsman and I see gym as ‘the church’ for any sportsman or for a fitness addict. I love the Gym and I would like to run my own in future.

I wanna stay fit and live as an example for my clients, athletes I coach and for my family and friends.

Next competition-
kettlebells at Arnold sport festival and before that I’m trying to compete in a power lifting competition and looking for an novice competition.

About Me-
Sports has played a defining role in my life form a very young age. I was hooked on rugby at school which led to a professional career proudly representing my country at the national level. This gave me the privilege of working with leading coaches and trainers from around the world.
Apart from rugby I have competed in weight lifting, bodybuilding and kettlebell sports and this taught me the basics and encouraged me to learn and study more.
My sporting history combined with my continuous education and passion in fitness has allowed me to practice my dream job, Coaching Rugby teams and training individuals to achieve their goals. From weight loss to strength, athletic development & sports specific training i have the knowledge to get you to reach your goal.

Who else you wanna thank –

Firstly I wanna thank God for all the strength and courage given to me and my Dad,Mum and my family for raising me as a sportsman. Thank you dad for teaching me squats, clean and jerk at the age of 5 that’s why I love weights this much.

And my brother Dinesh who taught me rugby at the age of 7 and took me for practice till high school.
And also a big thank you to my wife for the great support given in my sports career and fitness life. And still supports me to achieve my goals with our little bundle of joy Tahlia.

And not forgetting all my coaches, teachers friends and fans who coached and supported me through out my career.
Thank you Sandro my boss and my Snap Fitness team for making my work place like home.
Thanks Gagan for selecting me to work with Sups247 team

Social Media-
FB- http://trainwithdilip
Instagram- http://trainwithdilip

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