Could you be suffering from magnesium deficiency....... – supps247

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Could you be suffering from magnesium deficiency.......

By Gagan Bajwa  •   1 minute read

Could you be suffering from magnesium deficiency.......

It has been estimated that more than 70% of people may be suffering from magnesium deficiency without being aware of it. Magnesium is a key mineral in your body essential for bone and teeth structure, it’s also involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions 


Low intake and blood levels of magnesium are associated with several conditions, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and osteoporosis, and may slow recovery from illness and exercise.

There are many factors that can effect magnesium balance and may include reduced digestive function, or inadequate magnesium intake

The main symptoms of severe magnesium deficiency  include abnormal heart rhythm, muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome, fatigue, migraines, constipation and lower post exercise recovery rates.


More subtle, long-term symptoms that you may not notice include insulin resistance and high blood pressure.

Dietary sources of magnesium include ):

  • Whole grains. One cup (170 grams) of oats contains 74% of the DV.
  • Nuts. Twenty almonds pack 17% of the DV.
  • Dark chocolate. One ounce (30 grams) of dark chocolate offers 15% of the DV.
  • Dark green, leafy vegetables. One ounce (30 grams) of raw spinach provides 6% of the DV.

Supps247 can provide you with advice regarding your magnesium intake and requirements.  Look out for ATP ZMAG on the shelves in store or online.  This is a high potency supplement combined with zinc 

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